How Smart A/C Placement Can Save You Time, Money, and Stress

Does the location of your A/C unit matter? Next time you have to do some problem-solving, go sit in your 130˚F, South Florida attic for 20 minutes and let us know how it goes.

Not only is maneuverability around your system important, but the technician’s physical comfort and well-being also directly impact their ability to troubleshoot problems. Additionally, if there is a leak in the unit and it’s located over your living area, it could cause significant damage.

Location, Location, Location

During a recent remodel, one of our clients wisely decided to move their system into the garage, where it’s easily accessible and serviceable. Smart move!

customer review on google

–> The “BEFORE” photo of the unit, in the attic.

before location in the attic

The AFTER photo, re-located unit into the garage.

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    Posted in A/C Repair, Residential