Learn how to kill germs in the air you breathe

Tri Atomic Air purity UV light

Recently Advanced Cooling and Heating installed this air purity system in a residential home in Palm Beach, Florida. This air purity system was adapted to a an existing 5-ton system, and it sits on air handler.

This unit was a Triatomic Environmental Air purity system with UV lights. It is ideal for schools, retirement homes, urgent care centers, they greatly reduce the risk of airborne contagious, and spread of disease.

UV Light & Filtration for Comprehensive Air Purification

The Fresh-Aire UV Purity germicidal ultraviolet light and filtration system offers the ultimate enhancement to indoor air quality. The system features not one but three unique technologies that actively reduce airborne microbial contaminants.

UV Light and Filtration for Comprehensive Air Purification in Palm Beach

  1. UV Reactive Filter
    This efficient MERV 11 filter media kills germs with Goldshield™ antimicrobial nanotechnology and works with UV lights to trap and destroy contaminants. Unique filter material will not degrade from exposure to UV light.
  2. Germicidal UV Light
    The Fresh-Aire UV light inside Purity sterilizes biological contaminants such as mold, bacteria, viruses, allergens, etc. in the air as they pas through the system. UV light also reduces microbial growth on air system interior surfaces. Watch the video below to see how UV works.
  3. Photocatalytic Media
    When UV light shines on this specially prepared filter media it creates a photocatalytic effect which captures volatile organic compounds (odor molecules) and transforms them into harmless water vapor and carbon dioxide.

UV-C light produced by Fresh-Aire UV systems works by penetrating the cell walls of micro-organisms causing cellular damage, which kills them by preventing them from reproducing.

Why Ultraviolet Light? In scientific studies UV light has been proven to kill 90% of microbial contaminants after 10 minutes of exposure and 99% after 1 hour.

Kill Germs With Light

For over a century scientists have known that certain frequencies of light have a devastating effect on microbial life. We now know that exposure to ultraviolet light in the range of 254 NM (UV-C band) disrupts the DNA of micro-organisms thus preventing them from reproducing, thereby effectively killing them.

UV Light – A Well Established Disinfection Technology

UV light disinfection is now widely used in hospitals and laboratories to sanitize instruments and work surfaces and to prevent the spread potentially lethal airborne infectious diseases. The technology is used by the food industry to sterilize food before packaging and water treatment systems large and small now

A Cleaner Air Handler

Installation of a germicidal UV light inside the air handler inhibits the growth of mold there which saves energy by allowing the system to operate more efficiently. A cleaner system also requires less maintenance.


Germs in the Air You Breathe

Like it or not the indoor air you breathe has a lot of stuff in it that you don’t want. Like viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, and allergens. Some are only annoying, others can make you sick. Because air passes repeatedly through your HVAC system (in fact many microbes like the cool dark damp interior of the system) this is the ideal place for germs to multiply and spread throughout the house.

A Whole-House UV Air Purifier – The Best Defense

Because it works inside your central air system a whole-house UV air purifier is able to intercept airborne pathogens and destroy them as they pass by. As air cycles through the system it passes by the UV light many times exposing and re-exposing airborne microbes to it’s sterilizing effect. this has proven to be a safe, economical, chemical-free way to significantly reduce airborne contaminants indoors.

UV-C Light

The “germicidal range” of UV light is approximately 200 – 300 nm, with a peak germicidal effectiveness at 254 nm.

If you are interested in a UV Air Purity system – please contact us for an estimate:

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