Advanced Cooling and Heating’s Bard HVAC Equipment application

Recently a customer of ours needed a “tailor made” solution to a very specific application . . . a motel room — in this case a modular, room by room approach was the simplest, most economical solution for the problem.

Bard HVAC Equipment is known for applications where uptime is critical.

If you are not familiar with Bard — you will most likely find a Bard unit at the bottom of a cellular tower but other common uses include switch gear shelters, pump stations, portable buildings or offices and relocatable classrooms. While established in the industrial space, since 1914, Bard package units continue to grown in sophistication to cover the entire HVAC spectrum.

If you would like the ability to mount an air conditioner or heat pump to the wall, up off the ground, where space may be limited, or the structure is portable and ground installed condenser coils aren’t an option, The Bard package units offer solutions.

HVAC Commercial solutions
HVAC Equipment Application in Pompano Beach, Florida 10/30/2015 – Bard 14 SEER Wall hung heat pump package unit.

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