Bipolar ionization – eliminates airborne pathogens

Safe Aire – Ultra Pure Bipolar Ionization

When most people think clean air, they think Hepa filters. Problem with this is that Hepa filters can be highly restrictive as it pertains to air flow, and most new units just are not prepared for the static pressure this demands from them.

Enter Bipolar ionization. This is a “non-ozone” producing technology that eliminates airborne pathogens by creating an “ion field” with both positively and negatively charged ions. These ions attach to harmful viruses, bacteria, mold and allergens as well as expelled breath droplets and dust particles, forcing them to bind together and creating a molecule that’s heavier than the air around them, subsequently forcing them to drop to the ground as inert matter and quickly disintegrate.

This technology applied frequently in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, laboratories etc. can now be present in your home as well.

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