Category: A/C Repair

A/C Repair in West Palm Beach

Advanced Cooling and Heating Inc truck

If you are searching for Air Conditioning maintenance, or an A/C tune up in the West Palm Beach area – Give us a call. We are always on the road traveling the West Palm Beach area this time of year!

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Welcome back to Florida Snowbirds!

welcome back snowbirds

As you return to paradise, it is essential you take advantage of your presence to make sure your HVAC system will perform at its best in the grueling summer months. A failing A/C system in the summer months can mean

Posted in A/C Repair, Preventative Maintenance

Another beautiful A/C install in Loxahatchee FL

We make it perfect.

4 Ton Goodman 14 SEER Loxahatchee, FL This project would of worked just as well without a freshly painted return stand, return plenum box, wall … YES, but it wouldn’t of been PERFECT… we do PERFECT. GOODMAN Air Conditioners 100%

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What is the perfect day in the A/C business?

American Standard A/C Install

Well, for Advanced Cooling and Heating Inc., it’s a day when a customer calls us to say he wants us to replace the systems we installed for him 12 YEARS AGO. Of course, we were happy to provide him with two American Standard 2-stage

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Advanced Cooling and Heating 5 star reviews


Posted in A/C Repair, Testimonials

What do drain lines, A/C leaks and filter replacement all have in common?

American Standard AC Unit

Drain lines, filters and leaks are all check points that tells us how well your air conditioner is performing. During the summer time in West Palm Beach it gets hot! Your air conditioner is getting a full workout on most days, and it must be running on all cylinders

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A Licensed HVAC Professional in Palm Beach County

Palm Beach County is home to millions of people, and plenty of transients. Unfortunately, we hear the same story over and over — people getting involved with bogus contractors in the Palm Beach area. Advanced Cooling and Heating Inc., suggests

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Maintenance Leads To Fewer Urgent AC Repair Calls

Many ac maintenance plans to choose from

Being in the air conditioning repair service for nearly 20 years in Palm Beach County – we get many emergency A/C repair calls. Usually these urgent calls are in the evening or on weekends, and usually on the hottest day

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To repair or replace the compressor on your air conditioner?

air conditioner compressor repair or replacement

One of the most common problems to arise on a compressor is burned terminals, where a faulty electrical connection prevents the compressor from functioning correctly. This often is the reason why many compressors are replaced when they don’t have to

Posted in A/C Repair, Preventative Maintenance, The HVAC System Tagged with: , ,