Category: Condominium

Troubleshooting Common Drain Issues in South Florida

A common occurrence in South Florida

As a premier air conditioning company in West Palm Beach, Florida, we frequently encounter recurring issues related to A/C malfunctions in high-rise condominiums and apartments. In residential homes, similar issues can arise with main drains affecting multiple areas of the

Posted in Condominium, The HVAC System

Learn how to kill germs in the air you breathe

Recently Advanced Cooling and Heating installed this air purity system in a residential home in Palm Beach, Florida. This air purity system was adapted to a an existing 5-ton system, and it sits on air handler. This unit was a

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Water source heat pump installation in South Florida

A water source heat pump operates much like a traditional air source heat pump except that it extracts and dissipates heat by way of water instead of air. This is very common in high rise condominiums in South Florida, but

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How to deal with your condo association and common drains

Common drain problems in condos

Are you and your condo neighbors having draining issues, especially in the summer? Recently, several customers in the same Condo association complained of “slow drains”. These common drains work in “stacks” and if not regularly maintained can cause multiple problems in

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5 Ton American Standard Split System in a 2400 sq ft. condo on Palm Beach Island

commercial a/c install

What do we do when the phone rings around noon and the customer says, “IT HAS TO BE DONE TODAY” ….  At Advanced Cooling and Heating… WE GO!!!! A happy customer is part of our daily motto….. this sunset on

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Water Source Heat Pumps, Excellent comfort, better efficiency and fewer AC repair calls

heat pump

Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) systems are one of the most efficient, environmentally friendly ways to heat and cool buildings because each unit responds specifically to the heating or cooling load of the individual zone it serves. These water source

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Palm Beach Gardens Install; American Standard Two-Speed Air Conditioner Units

American Standard install

This Palm Beach Gardens condominium project was a two unit install and included a beautiful 5-Ton American Standard unit and it’s 3-Ton companion. If you need to replace an old or failing air conditioner, consider the benefits that a two-stage

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“Common Drain” problems in South Florida apartments and high rise condominiums

As an air conditioning company in West Palm Beach, Florida their are certain issues associated with A/C malfunctions that seem to repeat themselves. Today we were called to a high rise condominium in West Palm Beach to resolve a leaky

Posted in Condominium, Preventative Maintenance

Luvata Seacoast Protection endorsed by Advanced Cooling and Heating Inc.

“In coastal environments like Florida where the heat, sand and salt can have a detrimental impact on HVAC/R systems, our customers want the coil-corrosion protection that extends the service life of their system,” indicates Ken Connell, President of Gemaire Distributors.

Posted in Commercial, Condominium, Residential, The HVAC System Tagged with: , , , , ,

Why is it so important to cool a new elevator machine room properly?

keeping elevator machine room cool

In South Florida, elevators machine rooms get hot all year round – often very hot. When that happens, temperatures typically exceed the equipment limits. Elevator equipment is not designed to function optimally in extreme temperatures – even older equipment was

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