Category: Residential

Professional A/C installation inside and out

Ladies, please call your husbands over to the computer and show them these install photos. This is what your husband expects when he pays to have a new air conditioner installed in the house. Shown here is a beautiful 3-Ton /

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We Are Here To Help

Hurricane AC repair

We have been providing professional installations and superior customer service to the West Palm Beach area since 1997. Let us help you with your HVAC repairs. You can rely on us!

Posted in Residential, The HVAC System

The American Standard® Winning The War Against Heat And Humidity

How much “TAM9” can we do in one day? Installing a new system while relocating the unit from the attic to the garage in ONE DAY isn’t a job for most companies. When a loyal customer asked us to do

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Trust only a professional licensed contractor when dealing with one of your largest investments

Handyman Special... is it worth it?

What do the Handyman, Unlicensed Contractor and  Scammer all have in common? This time of year, during hurricane season, they flock to South Florida to lend a hand with storm repair. If you are new to our area – please

Posted in Residential, The HVAC System

Attic Or Garage For A/C Units Installed In South Florida?

Advanced Cooling & Heating Inc., West Palm Beah

From The Homeowners Perspective…. Garage is the answer. Here’s why; Technician never needs to go inside the home Any water or debris never affects the home Any noise stays outside of the home From A Professional’s Perspective…. Garage is the answer. Here’s

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The Polo Club Gets A New American Standard Install

Air Conditioner Install

Another beautiful air conditioner install in Wellington Florida. Project Specs 6,500 Sq ft, single family home in The Polo Club in Wellington FL Total install of 3 systems in home This American Standard setup is for the Master Suite level … A 3-TON, 2

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Another beautiful A/C install in Loxahatchee FL

We make it perfect.

4 Ton Goodman 14 SEER Loxahatchee, FL This project would of worked just as well without a freshly painted return stand, return plenum box, wall … YES, but it wouldn’t of been PERFECT… we do PERFECT. GOODMAN Air Conditioners 100%

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What is the perfect day in the A/C business?

American Standard A/C Install

Well, for Advanced Cooling and Heating Inc., it’s a day when a customer calls us to say he wants us to replace the systems we installed for him 12 YEARS AGO. Of course, we were happy to provide him with two American Standard 2-stage

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Water Source Heat Pumps, Excellent comfort, better efficiency and fewer AC repair calls

heat pump

Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) systems are one of the most efficient, environmentally friendly ways to heat and cool buildings because each unit responds specifically to the heating or cooling load of the individual zone it serves. These water source

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New AC Unit installed – 3500 sq.ft. home in West Palm Beach

Advanced Cooling & Heating Inc.

We recently installed this beautiful Rheem AC Unit in the West Palm Beach area. Take a look at these photos, these units are not as huge as your parents AC unit back in the 50s. This Rheem 5 ton, 16 seer unit has

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