How to deal with your condo association and common drains

Are you and your condo neighbors having draining issues, especially in the summer?

Recently, several customers in the same Condo association complained of “slow drains”. These common drains work in “stacks” and if not regularly maintained can cause multiple problems in the same buildings. Like this one did.

We took a look at the buildings common drain system and this is what we found. 

common drain problem in condo in palm beach

Clogged common drains will usually affect the draining capacity of the condensate line of your A/C system. Please ask your condo association how ofter these common drains are maintained. This is a frequent problem in many condos in Palm Beach County – here  is a past article we posted — Steps to take to avoid common drain problems.

Let Advanced Cooling and Heating Inc., guide your condo association smoothly toward a worry free maintenance of your air conditioning units and common drains.

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