Get the financing you need to replace that old AC unit and stay comfortable in South Florida all year.

Get the financing you need to replace that old AC unit and stay comfortable in South Florida all year.

What good is ideal indoor air if it comes with a suffocating finance plan?

We get it! It’s easier to picture the benefits of a state-of-the-art heating and cooling system than it is to imagine how you’ll pay for one.

That’s why we’re proud to offer rebates, seasonal promotions and a variety of flexible financing options. Through GE Capital, we can assure you have a plan that fits your budget.

Financing for HVAC systemIf you are upgrading from an older inefficient AC unit, what you save on your electric bill will probably absorb a significant part of your monthly payments.  From 12 months — same as cash to — 132 months for small, easy payments as well as no prepayment penalty. We will personalize a plan to fit your needs.

Don’t allow lack of liquidity to affect your comfort this summer . . . call us today and let us  help!

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