Get the financing you need to replace that old AC unit and stay comfortable in South Florida all year.

What good is ideal indoor air if it comes with a suffocating finance plan?

We get it! It’s easier to picture the benefits of a state-of-the-art heating and cooling system than it is to imagine how you’ll pay for one.

That’s why we’re proud to offer rebates, seasonal promotions and a variety of flexible financing options. Through GE Capital, we can assure you have a plan that fits your budget.

Financing for HVAC systemIf you are upgrading from an older inefficient AC unit, what you save on your electric bill will probably absorb a significant part of your monthly payments.  From 12 months — same as cash to — 132 months for small, easy payments as well as no prepayment penalty. We will personalize a plan to fit your needs.

Don’t allow lack of liquidity to affect your comfort this summer . . . call us today and let us  help!

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