Learn how air conditioning tune-ups can really save you money.

As a homeowner in Palm Beach County, you may be wondering how you can save money on your utility costs while enjoying a comfortable indoor environment.

One of the most cost effective ways to enjoy a cool home is to schedule an air conditioning tune-up to ensure that your unit is operating at its peak level of performance.

“It’s very important because we can catch a lot of the problems before they actually occur in the middle of the summer,” says Erik Bryson of Advanced Cooling and Heating Inc, “There could be a simple low-on-refrigerant issue that is a simple fix at the very front of the season, but as you get into the season, it could cause more damage to the compressor …. It’s very easy to catch at the beginning and could save [you] money down the road.”

The Advanced Cooling and Heating Inc., AC Tune-Up

pre-summer-ac-tuneupOur AC maintenance technicians perform top of the line air conditioner tune-ups so that you can enjoy affordable and cool comfort in your home.

Here at Advanced Cooling and Heating Inc., our tune-up services begin with a complete system inspection to check for worn electrical connections, proper refrigerant level and blockages in the condensate line.

Plus we clean and lubricate all mechanical parts, remove debris from the condenser and evaporator coils and replace the system’s air filter. The tune-up also includes a system performance test to ensure your air conditioner is effectively and safely operating.

Lower Utility Costs

One of the clearest benefits of how an air conditioning tune-up saves you money is the lower utility bills that result after we perform a maintenance service. An air conditioner with a dirty air filter cannot efficiently or effectively cool your home, but when we clean or replace it, your utility bills may go down by 5 to 15 percent.

Cleaning debris from the evaporator and condenser coils also improves the efficiency of your air conditioner, allowing it to cycle less frequently and consume less energy.

Fewer AC Repairs

Preventive maintenance helps you save money by avoiding some AC repairs. A dirty and poorly lubricated system is prone to malfunctions and breakdowns. Dirty coils may cause the system to overheat, resulting in a costly repair. Low refrigerant levels can lead to a lack of cool air in your home.

By preventing these problems before they occur, you save money on both parts and labor costs and you can avoid the hassle of dealing with emergency AC repair services or a broken down unit on the hottest day of the year.

Increased Durability

Well-maintained air conditioners save money by lasting longer. The average lifespan of an air conditioning system is 10 to 15 years, after which they tend to need frequent repairs and replacement parts. By scheduling regular tune-ups for your AC unit, you can protect your investment and keep it running at maximum efficiency, therefore maximizing its lifespan.

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