South Florida Snowbird Solutions: Prefab Homes and Package A/C Units

Winter in South Florida brings a flock of snowbirds from the North, seeking sunshine and warmth. These migrating folks often opt for prefabricated or mobile homes to keep their expenses in check while they soak up the tropical vibes.

With this influx, package A/C units are all the rage!

Picture yourself with this snazzy new 3.5-ton, 13.5 SEER2, RUUD Package Unit nestled in a cozy prefabricated home, providing just the right amount of coolness amidst the swaying palm trees.  And let me tell you, we handle these installs with the same level of dedication and expertise as we would for a multi-million-dollar mansion. Because hey, everyone deserves top-notch comfort, whether you’re in a humble abode or a lavish estate, right?

3.5 Ton RUUD package unit

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    Posted in Residential, The HVAC System