Tag: air conditioner repair

What to do if you think lightning hit your air conditioner

Did you know South Florida leads the nation in lightning strikes. . . In honor of “Lightning Awareness Week” which is June 21-27, 2015 we updated this article on lightning hitting your air conditioner. Early Summer in the SOUTH FLORIDA 

Posted in Preventative Maintenance, Residential, The HVAC System Tagged with: , , , , ,

All-in-one cooling and heating “Packaged Systems”

air flows through home

All-in-one Package Units are unique, all-in-one systems that supply both cooling and heating equipment in one “package.” These units sit on the ground or rooftop outside of your home or business. Package units come in three forms: Packaged heat pumps

Posted in Condominium, Residential, The HVAC System Tagged with: , ,

The Mini Split Ductless Air Conditioner System Has Many Uses.

closeup of ductless ac unit

Need extra cooling in a particular area of your house? Thinking about turning the garage into a private gym? Maybe you’ve added on an extra room and your existing system can’t provide enough cooling? Maybe you work out of your

Posted in Mini Split, Residential Tagged with: , , , ,

Is Spiral Ductwork Right For Your Project?

spiral duct work

Can Spiral Ducting work for you? With energy costs going through the roof and no relief in sight, HVAC system designers and specifiers are taking a much harder look at the many choices in ductwork available to them today. One

Posted in Commercial, Condominium, The HVAC System Tagged with: , , ,

The Right Grill – Titus

titus grill

Do you ever take a good look at the louvered grilles over your air conditioning ducts. If not . . you should. These grilles typically direct air out of a duct nearly the same size as the opening. Builders and

Posted in Commercial, Condominium, Residential, The HVAC System Tagged with: , , , ,

A safe, economical, chemical-free way to significantly reduce airborne contaminants indoors

We Floridians do alot of living in air conditioned areas most of the year. And like it or not the indoor air you breathe has a lot of stuff in it that you don’t want. Like viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew,

Posted in Condominium, Preventative Maintenance, Residential, The HVAC System Tagged with: , ,

Reduce humidity for maximum comfort with a Energy Recovery Ventilator system

Energy Recovery Ventilator systems (ERVs) are complete whole house ventilation systems that incorporate a supply motor and an exhaust motor in one unit. The supply motor draws fresh air in from the outside and the exhaust motor pushes stale contaminated

Posted in Commercial, Condominium, Residential, The HVAC System Tagged with: , , , ,

Super High efficient Mini Split with a 21.6 SEER rating

This air conditioning unit is a great example of how far some HVAC machines have come. This ductless mini split air conditioner, currently has one of the highest ratings for efficiency. This is a very economical cooling system and perfect

Posted in Mini Split, Residential, The HVAC System Tagged with: ,

Frequently asked cooling and heating questions

Question: What size air conditioner should I install in my 2,000-square-foot house? The proper sizing depends on many factors like; the year of the home construction, amount of glass in the house, type of insulation used, type of roofing materials

Posted in Preventative Maintenance, Residential, The HVAC System Tagged with: , , , ,

An Energy Efficient Air Conditioner

Recently we found that many Floridian clients are interested in a more energy efficient air conditioner and heating system. “Today’s best energy efficient air conditioners use 30% to 50% less energy to produce the same amount of cooling as air

Posted in Preventative Maintenance, The HVAC System Tagged with: , , ,