Top 5 reasons to add a Mini Split A/C unit in your garage

Many Floridians have their laundry room located in the garage because;

  • It saves space in the house
  • It is quieter to have the washer/dryer out of the living area.
  • If the washer was to leak – in garage is better than in the house.
  • Because we can . . . with our mild climate in South Florida.

mini split a/c unit

We recently installed this Fujitsu 1.5 Ton Min Split Ductless A/C unit in a garage in Wellington, Florida.

The benefits to the homeowner were plenty….

  1. The central air system in the house is not running as often since the hot garage air is not escaping into the house each time the door is opened.
  2. The min-split is extremely energy efficient
  3. The unit is mounted on the wall, conserving floor space
  4. Other items stored in garage like, paint, solvents, metal tools, expensive bikes and toys, are now in a more desirable cooler and dry climate.
  5. Doing laundry is now a joy.

The only complaint is . .  the husband now wants the garage as a man cave.

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