Water source heat pump installation in South Florida

A water source heat pump operates much like a traditional air source heat pump except that it extracts and dissipates heat by way of water instead of air. This is very common in high rise condominiums in South Florida, but not so much in detached homes.

When an install is dealing with 50,000 gallons of water through a valve… you better know what your doing.

This is how the water source heat pump works:

In the summer, the heat is carried out of your condo and expelled in the cooler water outside. Water source heat pumps are slightly more efficient at cooling rather than heating, but can be tricky installs due to weight and size and the immense responsibility of working with water and cooling towers in high rise condominiums. Plus they are usually located in a tight small closet.

We recently installed this unit in an 800 sq.ft condo in Palm Beach, Florida. This is a 2 Ton, Hydrotech, 4 EER water source, from First Co., Made in USA.

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