Welcome back to Florida Snowbirds!

welcome back snowbirds

As you return to paradise, it is essential you take advantage of your presence to make sure your HVAC system will perform at its best in the grueling summer months.

A failing A/C system in the summer months can mean costly damage to your home in terms of mold and mildew that can damage your vacation home. There are certain steps you can take to help reduce the chances of having a problem while also lowering your energy costs. Here are a few.

Change your air conditioner’s filter. A dirty filter can cause poor air circulation, making your unit work harder, reducing its life and increasing energy costs.

  1. Change your thermostat batteries. Switch out the old batteries in the thermostat to ensure your unit stays on.
  2. Check your thermostat. Make sure that your thermostat is set to “COOL” and the fan is set to “Auto”
  3. Check your humidistat Humidistats when present can override you system and cause it to shutdown unnecessarily if not correctly set.
  4. Inspect your ductwork. You should visually inspect your home’s ductwork for any leaks.  Properly sealed ductwork Is essential to peak performance.
  5. Inspect the condenser. Outdoor unit function can be hampered by shrubs, fertilizer on the copper lines, and especially salt air if close to the ocean. Let us make sure your coils are in good condition.
  6. Have your air conditioner tuned up. Proper maintenance can ensure that your unit will perform at its peak capacity, Proper refrigerant charge can save you hundreds of dollars over the summer months and well maintained electrical components can provide reliability when you most need it.

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    Posted in A/C Repair, Preventative Maintenance